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"To be good is noble, but to teach others how to be good is nobler-and no trouble."
- Mark Twain



A chance to help kids:

Quote from a volunteer:

"When the teacher told me that she had received a thank-you from a boy's mother - I was really shocked!"

"Her son was coming home discussing his future education and job because of what we've discussed. I would have picked him as among those paying the least attention!"

-Karol Farr
, Junior Achievement

Quotes from 9th graders about Junior Achievement:

"I enjoyed your visits because you taught me I can be anything that I want to be."

"I learned it is good to stay in school and get your diploma, because it can help you get a job, and it is to my advantage to go to University and get an even better education. Thanks a lot!"

Aren't kids more important than anything else in the world?

They represent our future workforce and the future of our nation and our world. They are 25 percent of our population and 100 percent of our future.

And all it costs is a few hours of our time - so explore giving an hour out of your week to Junior Achievement today.

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