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"It ain't often that a man's reputation outlasts his money."

- Josh Billings



There is no better way to re-learn your area of expertise than by helping eager and curious young people understand it.

By volunteering with Junior Achievement, you will help students:

Understand the connection between classroom studies and the workplace
Build positive attitudes towards work and develop the decision making and critical thinking skills that produce success in the workplace
Enhance self-esteem and confidence, teamwork, leadership and interpersonal skills
Appreciate the importance of an education and the concept of lifelong learning
Be introduced to positive role models from their community
Experience "hands-on" learning
Appreciate business and economic concepts and the elements of entrepreneurship

You also might be surprised at how volunteers improve their own work, based on what they've done in the classroom with JA students.

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ADC's "adopted" school: Anthony Middle School

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