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"We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms:

"First, freedom of speech and expression everywhere in the world.

"Second, freedom of every person to worship God in his own way everywhere in the world.

"Third, freedom from want everywhere in the world.

"Fourth, freedom from fear anywhere in the world."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt



5. What is ADC doing to help the community?

ADC's mission is threefold:

To improve the future of our community through
science and technology
To encourage employees to contribute time and
talent and resources to the community
To improve the quality of life in core cities and
municipalities where ADC employees live and work.

The focus of ADC's corporate giving program supports ADC's mission by giving in four areas:

Higher Education & Technical training in areas
of science, engineering & technology
K-12 Education with an emphasis on science
and technology, career planning
Services to promote family and individual self-sufficiency
Prevention programs for children and youth.

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"What can I do to help while I'm at work?"

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